Molly's Journey to the West


Hello friends, As I write, I am sitting in the sunroom of my apartment. I can hear the sparrows chirping outside, all huddled together due to the cool, crisp morning. I see a handful of brave birds leaving their shelter to scavenge for plant matter, which’ll be used for their nests. I even see a bunny that found the carrot greens I left out the previous night. This scene reassures me that… Read More

Hello friends, You may have noticed that I haven’t written a blog post in awhile—not since my Black Lives Matter in Minneapolis post. Between then and now, I attended a second march called the Justice for Jamar Unity March. I uploaded videos to my Youtube page, if you want to see speeches and footage of the march. Well, pertaining to my blog’s inactivity, let’s just say that I was on a hiatus. Though this… Read More

Hello friends, As I type, I am actually in Chicago: The Windy City! My sister Colleen had to go to the Chicago China Consulate to get her Chinese work-visa and I thought I might as well tag along. While Colleen gets her visa figured out, I’ll be exploring the city’s vibrant coffeehouses and freelance writing/photo editing for RootsRated. (It’s awesome being a freelancer; I can work from anywhere!). But, I’ll have to… Read More